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​ Nice to meet you, hello.

Ever since I was little, I have loved writing and drawing pictures.

And that feeling hasn't changed, and the time I spend creating works is pure bliss.

I hope that I can spend a good time with everyone through my work.

The website "Write&Draw" has been opened.

If you have any messages or work requests,

contactWe look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you very much.

​August 2009 Nagano Maruoka

☆☆☆Greetings. From then until now☆☆☆

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 Nagano Maruoka


Born in Oita Prefecture in 1975. Raised in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Acquired curator license while studying at Tama Art University.

After graduating, he worked at Dentsu Inc.'s "Advertising Museum Establishment Promotion Department", collecting and organizing materials, registering work data, etc.

Participated in the launch of the advertising museum "Ad Museum Tokyo". After opening in Shiodome in 2002, continued

Receives and manages collections, prepares for exhibitions, carries in and out, etc.

Since 2009, he has devoted himself to his own creative activities.

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2022E-book "Unknown World"publication(Gentosha)

2021RECTO VERSO GALLERY"Graphic Art exhibition Creative Expression Today 2021"participate in. Exhibition of works

2020 Nijino Picture Book Store / Nijino Gallery"ahiru exhibition"participate in. Exhibition of creative picture books and original drawings

2018-20191 year exhibition at Gallery Setagaya 233and original goods sales

2016Movie "The world is yours from today"(Quail Film) In charge of the production of paintings during the play, end rolls, and promotional materials

2016Exhibition of paintings at Shinshu Takato Art Museum "Takato Konjaku Monogatari Exhibition"and holding workshops

2013 Lecture at Jumonji Gakuen Women's University "Lecture under the name of Shunpusha"

2013Literary magazine "Bungei Shicho Wave"Published in (Asia Bunkasha)

2013 Kanagawa Shimbun (January 3), Asahi Shimbun (January 17), Yomiuri Shimbun (March 6), interview article

2012Picture book for adults "Angelica's Choice"/Poetry and Art Book "Kimi ni no White Clover's Crown"(both Shunpusha) 2 books published simultaneously

2012 8th “Bungei Shicho” Contemporary Poetry Award Encouragement Award

2011 150 poems selected for the 1st Miyaobi Publishing Grand Prize sponsored by Miyaobi Publishing

2010Literary book "The 3rd swimmy co-planned work of Onsa Kotoba"(BOOKLORE)

2010 Exhibited words at the 3rd swimmy Joint Plan Open Call Exhibition Onsa (Venue: Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto)

2009 Launched own website "Write & Draw"

2009 Provided paintings for the movie "Heaven's Door" (Asmik Ace Entertainment)

2008The first issue of the literary magazine "Button and Ribbon"Published in Rokuyosha

2007Literary book "Fantastic Something"(BOOKLORE)

2006 Lecture “Fulfill Your Dreams” at Suginami Campus, High School Attached to Joshibi University of Art and Design

2006 Lent paintings for the TV drama "She on the opposite bank" (WOWOW)

2006 Book reading event at Aoyama Book Center

2005First book "Fawn's Rest"(WindchimeBooks) published

2002Literary booklet "SONGLINE"(Palm Computing Co., Ltd.)

2002 Read aloud works at BLUE VELVET NIGHT in Shibuya "Blue Room"

2000-2002Magazine "TOMORROW" "Psychology Test"(Life Co., Ltd.) Illustrated (No.590-604)

2001Published an interview article in the literary magazine "Bungei" (Kawade Shobo Shinsha)(Winter 2001 issue)

2001 Read aloud works at the poetry reading held at "THE HALL" in Shibuya

2000Psychological test "Psycho Express" TBS "Express" program edition(Kirakusha) Illustrated text

2000    Shibuya Gallery ART SPACE Produce Frontiers vol.

1999-2001Literary magazine "12 water stories magazine"Posted in (SUNLIGHT LABO.)


1999-2000Literary magazine Wasteland(Araji Publishing Co., Ltd.) serialization of words and lithographs

(Vol.2 SPRING / Vol.3 SUMMER / Vol.4 AUTUMN / Vol.5 WINTER / Vol.6 SPRING / Vol.7 SUMMER/Vol.8 AUTUMN)

1998   Graduated from Department of Painting, Printmaking, Tama Art University

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Copyright © Hisano Maruoka All Rights Reserved.
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